Green Jeans Creative Announces New Client, Author, Anna Rae Aberle

Green Jeans Creative designs book cover for Anna Rae Aberle.

Denver, CO, USA - Green Jeans Creative, a Denver-based graphic design firm, announced today that they have signed a new client, Anna Rae Aberle. Anna recently finished her first fiction manuscript, I Prefer the Sunrise, a story of despair in the face of adversity.

Green Jeans Creative signed with Anna Rae Aberle at the beginning of March 2010. They have been working together to design the perfect book cover to represent her manuscript. Anna's book topics are introspective, full of symbolism and contain a message/purpose for her readers. Her topics are deep, thought provoking and painful, but the outcomes are always triumphant for the characters. The elements of weather and the environment seem to also come into her work, such as rainstorms, clouds, fog, sunrise/sunset, oceans, etc.

"We are very excited to work with such a great author. It is exciting to join someone at the beginning of their career journey and to assist them in their journey with our creative designs," commented Anne Grinney-Colomban, Partner at Green Jeans Creative.

About Green Jeans Creative:
Green Jeans Creative is a Denver-based graphic design agency that specializes in branding and print design, focusing on small and start-up companies. Green Jeans Creative works side by side with their clients to offer a wide range of solutions to create designs specific to their clients' needs. The company founders created the company around the belief that unique designs can help influence people and produce real results for a business.

To contact, learn more about our their services or to request a free consultation:

Anne Grinney-Colomban, Partner
Green Jeans Creative

Phone: 720-284-1795
Fax: 720-570-0616