Global IT Professionals Can Now Access Free ITIL Training - Online and Anywhere

Free website '' allows IT professionals to learn all about ITIL, the most common approach to IT service managment in the world. The short course gives them an introduction to ITIL and help deciding their next steps.

​ITSM Zone announces - the short online course provided to support IT professionals who want to learn more about this commonly adopted approach to IT service management and join a growing global community.

Accessing the free site and taking the short course will introduce IT professionals to key ITIL terminology, the stages of the ITIL lifecycle and some handy case studies about who has used ITIL successfully and how.

ITSM Zone's lead tutor, Claire Agutter, said "we're very happy to offer this free service as we've seen first hand the positive results that ITIL can bring to organisations both large and small.  Taking a certification course can be a large investment, so this short free course will help people to decide what their next career step should be".

ITSM Zone offers a range of courses to support IT professionals, including ITIL, PRINCE2, OBASHI, ISO20000, COBIT, DevOps and RESILIA.