Global Art Digital Asset Trading Platform Based on Blockchain Technology Artschain Launched Jan 3, 2018

Artschain is the world's first digital asset trading platform using blockchain technology.


Just launched on Jan. 3, 2018, Artschain is a brand new global art digital asset trading platform using blockchain technology. Artschain supports the exchange of mainstream digital currencies, such as bitcoin generally recognized within industry. The platform aims to make art trading more common by offering lower transactions costs, high flow of available art, and by making art investment possible.

“As the popularity of digital currency like Bitcoin raises in popularity so are ways in which people can use the currency,” says the CEO of Artschain. “Our company is tapping into the art trading market and making what was once exclusive open to a broader audience.”

The only art accepted in Artschain are those pieces listed and recognized in the international art market with a long history, without credit flaw, and currently accepted rankings. The international largest auction houses include Christie's and Sotheby's, Phillips, Bonhams, Tajan, Swan Gallery, Dorotheum, Poly Auction, China Guardian Auctions Co., Ltd. and Phillips. Only art that can be made available at these auction houses can be made available for insurance after determined by both expert members of the Artschain platform and the insurance company.

Art traded on Artschain must be kept in a banking house or at an art custodial warehouse that meets international security standards. Facilities need to be verified by the Underwriters Laboratories safety standards and fire protection criteria. The first step in using Artschain is a registration process on the company’s website.

Artschain’s art digital asset trading platform ensures openness and transparency in their business relationships and aims to create a community where supply and demand is continuously increased based on industrial circulation outside the platform, rising platform profits, assets appreciation, long-term possession by investors, purchases by professional speculators, and more. It is anticipated that these factors will work to change the price of arts currency in the future.

To learn more about this unique art trading using blockchain technology, visit

About Artschain

Artschain, a subsidiary of Victoria Artwork Investment Management Co.,Ltd, is the world’s first digital art trading platform using blockchain technology. To learn more, visit

Source: Artschain

About Victoria Artwork Investment Management Co.,Ltd

The world`s first art digital asset trading platform .Artschain ( supports exchange of mainstream digital currencies, such as bitcoin generally recognized within industry.

Victoria Artwork Investment Management Co.,Ltd
255-257 bulletin road,causeway bay,Hong Kong
Hong Kong, causeway bay