Glidewell Laboratories Releases Latest Issue of Dental Implant Magazine Inclusive™

New Issue of Inclusive Magazine, the Multimedia Publication of Glidewell Laboratories Focused on Implant Dentistry, Now Available in Print and Online

Inclusive Magazine Issue 7 Volume 2

​​​​​​Glidewell Laboratories, industry-leading provider of dental products, implant solutions and lab services, announced today that the latest issue of Inclusive™ magazine, its multimedia publication focused on implant dentistry, is now available in print and across multiple digital platforms. The digital edition of the new issue, Volume 7, Issue 2, as well as past issues of the quarterly magazine, can be viewed from all popular desktop, tablet and smartphone platforms by visiting

The featured Implant Q&A spotlights Dr. Stephen Chu, a prominent leader in the field of prosthodontics, and adjunct clinical professor and former director of esthetic education at New York University College of Dentistry. Read the article and watch the exclusive video interview to hear Dr. Chu’s thoughts on a wide range of topics, including the path that led him to specialize in prosthodontics, the state of CAD/CAM dentistry and digital impression systems, the benefits of immediate implant placement and provisionalization, and what implant doctors can learn from dental technicians.

The new issue also features two articles spotlighting the monolithic zirconia full-arch implant restoration, the latest prosthetic innovation to elevate the level of care practitioners can provide edentulous patients. In Dr. Daniel Galindo’s article, he explores how this durable treatment option helps overcome challenges related to bruxism and other parafunctional activities. Dr. Siamak Abai’s article outlines the all-CAD restorative protocol through which full-arch BruxZir® prostheses can now be produced, eliminating the need for a wax setup and improving communications with the lab. Dr. Vladamir Jovic’s article explains how edentulous implant patients can benefit from the use of an occlusal guard.

Intraoral scanners can help doctors streamline the restorative phase of treatment, reduce dental lab fees and provide patients with a precisely fitting restoration in less time. A collaborative article by Drs. Abai, Timothy Kosinski and Paresh Patel illustrates this process with three different scanners, achieving predictable, highly accurate results in each instance.

The latest issue includes two Q&As that highlight the opportunities implant therapy offers the modern dental practice. One features Dr. David Hochberg, who recounts his experience learning to place implants over 30 years ago and emphasizes the much-improved resources available to today’s practitioners. In the first of a three-part series, practice management consultant Dr. David Schwab describes strategies for enhancing communications with patients and increasing case acceptance.

Other articles feature an assortment of clinical techniques and treatment protocols. Implant pioneer Dr. Jack Hahn shares a clinical tip in which the ‘book’ approach is used to access and graft a facial bone defect adjacent to an anterior extraction site. An article by Dr. Raymond Choi illustrates how small-diameter implants are an excellent treatment option for edentulous patients who cannot receive conventional-sized implants due to financial, anatomical or medical reasons. Dr. Ara Nazarian’s latest article demonstrates how a cementable full-arch BruxZir restoration over custom abutments offers an ideal solution for cases in which bone anatomy precludes a screw-retained prosthesis.

After reading the articles, viewing the case photos and watching the videos, readers have the opportunity to take free interactive continuing education (CE) tests through the Glidewell Education Center. Participants can earn free CE credits through the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) program for each test they complete and pass.

Inclusive magazine is published by Glidewell Laboratories and President/CEO Jim Glidewell, CDT. Each issue of Inclusive seeks to highlight the many aspects of dental implants from clinical and laboratory perspectives. Featuring case studies, clinical techniques, and practice management tools in both article and video format, Inclusive prompts its readers to implement the latest advancements in implantology in order to achieve predictable, profitable and reproducible results.

To view the new Inclusive magazine digital edition from your desktop computer or favorite mobile device and to sign up for a free subscription to the print version, visit For more information about Inclusive magazine, call 800-521-0576 or e-mail

Source: Glidewell Laboratories