First Release of New Real Time Web Application Framework - Wisej

Create Real Time Web Applications with C# or VB.NET in Visual Studio.

Ice Tea Group has announced the first release of Wisej - a new Real Time Web Application Framework for building Line of Business (LOB) web applications.

Wisej is a new Real Time Web Application framework fully integrated in Visual Studio. It replaces WinForms, WebForms and WPF components with JavaScript widgets in live sync with the back-end through WebSocket.

Wisej includes a pixel-perfect designer, a complete theme builder, and can integrate any third party JavaScript widgets. It supports the creation of custom web components entirely in C#/VB.NET and the total integration with browser features such as speech synthesis and recognition, geolocation and translation services.

Wisej applications are Real Time Web Applications by design. Server components can push updates to the clients, draw and paint on client browsers, and can run background tasks on the server while interacting with client sessions.

For more information visit

Source: Ice Tea Group