February Marks the Official Launch of National Self-Check Month

NEW YORK, January 29, 2019 (Newswire.com) - It’s a scary thing to confront cancer, heart disease, diabetes and any other illness. Not to mention time-consuming, expensive and emotionally taxing — and when treatment fails, heartbreaking. Now that the Registrar at National Day Calendar has proclaimed February as National Self-Check Month, people will be reminded to put their health first every single day. Getting out this very important message has been something Joan Peckolick, founder and director of Self Chec, has been working towards for a long time.
“Each year, over one million people — including some of our friends and family — die from chronic diseases that could have been treated or cured if only people learned how to take better care of themselves.” With the launch of National Self-Check Month, she hopes this will begin to change.
“Through prevention, early detection self-checks and wellness care, people can help reduce the odds of getting ill in the first place,” she added. Doing so can mean the difference between living a full and happy life, suffering from illness or dying too early, “yet people often find lots of excuses: They’re too busy, they’re scared or convinced it won’t happen to them, or they’re just not comfortable touching themselves.”
National Self-Check Month is a great time for people to sit down and talk with loved ones about health concerns, perform self-checks and schedule wellness visits with healthcare professionals. During February, and all year long, they can also visit selfchec.org to access a variety of free self-empowering tools and resources to help guide them through healthcare-related fears and concerns, prepare questions for doctor visits and see how to perform self-checks. They can sign up for a monthly free self-check reminder, send a free e-greeting card from the Caring Card Shoppe to nudge someone they care about to do the same and continue to help spread the word through #NationalSelfCheckMonth.
Check out the Self Chec video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25wnNbM2X3o
About Self Chec
Self Chec is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is using emotional connections to help save lives by raising awareness of the importance of early detection and preventative actions that help keep us healthy from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity; chronic diseases that often, unnecessarily take the lives of some of our loved ones much too early.
For more information, please contact:
Joan Peckolick, Director/Founder Self Chec
joan@selfchec.org / 212-222-8111
Source: Self Chec