Experts in Cruise Ship Illness Advise of Increase in Case Numbers

Journey Owl, a personal injury expect advice an increase in cruise ship illness cases.

Journey Owl is a leading personal injury claims company comprising by a team of experts in the field. The team work together to provide their clients with the highest level of service.Journey Owl have helped many holiday make claim for cruise ship illness awarding them thousands of compensation. The company mentioned recently that they have noticed a significant increase in the number of claims being handled by their offices by cruise ship passengers.A spokesperson from Journey Owl advised us that cruise ships are a good place for illnesses to spread. "Hundreds of people are living within very close proximity to each other, which causes illnesses to spread like wild fire."

Recently reports of the norovirus has made headlines as more passengers find themselves bed ridden for days rather than enjoying the on board activities. This isn't only affecting passengers, but is also affecting crew members, causing the company to manage a large number of claims on an annual basis.Journey Owl has grown exponentially since they opened and are dealing with new claims on a daily basis. The company mentioned that clients are becoming aware that they can claim on their return to the UK, which has resulted in an increase in the claims filed for various personal injury and cruise ship illness claims.The company also mentioned that cruise ship companies are putting procedures in place, including deep cleans, trying to reduce the risk of illness spreading. When you consider this is an enormous industry which sees millions of people sailing off into the sunset on an annual basis, the number of claims per ship is actually minimal. Journey Owl broke all records last year in the number of claims filed and they believe this is a result of passengers realising that the ship has an obligation to ensure their health and safety on board and when they don't feel the company has provided them with this service, they want justice.The company is sure that they are going to be just as busy this year. People have money again and are paying to go on cruise ships and explore the world, this increases the number of claims, many of which come to the Journey Owl offices.With years of knowledge and experience, the small and dedicated Journey Owl team are always ready to help passengers file their claims and get the compensation and justice they deserve.

About Us: Journey Owl comprises of an expert team dealing with personal injury claims. With years of experience, this team has helped many holiday makers and employees with their injury claims winning thousands in compensation. Journey Owl is dedicated to helping people seek justice for illness and injuries while on holiday or in the UK. This UK based company prides themselves on their superior service and dedication to their clients, which has made them one of the top choices for anyone looking to file a claim. To find out more visit their website at