Eternal Lightness LLC Release An Inspirational Story Book - I Woman Unveiled

Khaleda believes that we all journey through life in search of love, even when we operate with lack of it, because our will to choose is given to us out of unconditional love by that force that moves us.

Khaleda Najeem Sallade is an Afghan American who grew up in Afghanistan and Rochester, NY. She currently lives in Pittsford, NY, with her husband and two beautiful children. She is the founder of Eternal Lightness LLC which offers spiritual coaching.

"I woman Unveiled" is an inspirational story of awakening to one's true nature. The message of the book is, "I know myself through my stories." Khaleda believes that we all journey through life in search of love, even when we operate with lack of it, because our will to choose is given to us out of unconditional love by that force that moves us. This is just the paradoxical nature of our journeys, as all things will ultimately converge toward Love. With this belief, she shares how all her life experiences converged to her finding her own love - her true nature.

She believes most of our disruptive actions are based on our fears. In her book, "I Woman Unveiled", she touches on this subject of overcoming her fears by sharing how she came to the realization that her mind is not the one manifesting her life stories, but that they are simply created by her true self so that she may know herself through them. As she healed her emotional traumas caused by her actions driven by false messages from her mind her daily fears that rise slowly dissolve, as her mind realizes that it is not the one creating these stories through its false imaginations, but that they are created and controlled by a force beyond its comprehension. As she

Khaleda offer her guidance to those who follow her through social media, by offering daily inspirational messages that one can apply in real life encounters. Follow her on facebook, twitter, google, Linkedin, and through her website (
Khaleda has published articles to offer her path of self-discovery as gifts to those in search of truth within them. She has also published articles on oppression of women in Afghanistan due to male-dominated social and cultural beliefs. The book has sold copies in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia through Amazon, B&N, and iTunes. The book will soon be available for distribution through Ingram and Baker and Taylor. The book could be considered the best inspirational memoir that can be a guide to those in search of truth.

Following the links for the Book:

Company: Eternal Lightness LLC
Contact: Khaleda Najeem Sallade
Call: +1-607-227-4826
Web site: