Esteam Health CEO Keynoting at Symposium Featuring 23 Experts on Topics Related to Arts and Health in Aging Care

Esteam Health is a private company that provides arts and health programming as a service to aging care facilities in the United States.
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Alyssa Janney, Founder and CEO of the start-up company Esteam Health, will be keynoting at an upcoming Virtual Symposium titled: A New Methodology in Aging Care - Interdisciplinary Arts & Health Programming, on Nov. 2, 2022. 

Esteam Health is a private company that will be launching evidence-based, interdisciplinary arts and health programming as a service to aging care facilities in 2023. Esteam Health programs have a primary goal of producing improvements in intrinsic capacity for older adults in aging care facilities. Keynoting in this virtual symposium will provide an opportunity for Janney to make the case for what makes interdisciplinary, evidence-based arts and health programming different than what is commonly available in aging care facilities now. Janney reports, "The challenge that program developers have had is that due to high turnover rates in aging care facilities, program quality and continuity can suffer. But there are also serious opportunity costs for residents who may depend upon evidence-based programming for their cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual health." 

Alyssa Janney, MBA, has worked at the cutting-edge of the global arts and health field for 18 years. Throughout the years, she has built relationships with other top experts in the field. Esteam Health is proud to be a title sponsor for the Symposium and would like to invite anyone engaged in the business of aging care to join leading artists, academics, health experts, research scholars, aging care experts, business executives and creative arts therapists for a virtual symposium exploring the arts as a new frontier in health, aging care, and wellbeing. The symposium is being offered by the Esteam Health Foundation. (


We believe it's time for a paradigm shift in aging care. We are innovating at the intersection of science, medicine, technology and the arts. 
An interdisciplinary body of knowledge is building identifying opportunities to employ these discoveries in sustainable ways so that we can address some of the most challenging problems in eldercare. We know that arts experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior, and we are translating this knowledge into specific practices that improve intrinsic capacity, meaning lower resident dependency rates in eldercare. These benefits are expected to create a ripple effect of efficiency improvements that will transform eldercare in ways that are pleasing to insurers, healthcare providers, eldercare organizations, employees and most importantly…residents of eldercare facilities.  

Source: Esteam Health LLC

About Esteam Health LLC

Esteam Health exists to help aging care facilities offer and sustain evidence-based, interdisciplinary arts and health programming for residents and employees.

Esteam Health LLC
300 Plaza Muchomas
Bernalillo, NM
