Essential Skills in Demand List Review 2015
Dubai, UAE, December 29, 2015 ( - The Ministry regularly reviews the ESID lists to ensure that they meet the changing needs of the labour market, and to ensure opportunities for New Zealander's first.
Long Term Skill Shortage List
The LTSSL identifies occupations that have an absolute (sustained and ongoing) shortage of skilled workers both globally and throughout New Zealand. Migrants who gain employment in one of these occupations may be granted a work visa under the LTSSL Work to Residence or Essential Skills instructions. Migrants applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category may gain bonus points towards their application if they have an offer of employment, work experience or qualifications in an area of absolute skill shortage identified on the LTSSL.
The outcomes of the review of the LTSSL are to:
Remove the following two occupations for which there is no longer a shortage:
- Social Worker
- Statistician (Fisheries Modeller)
Retain the following two occupations which were reviewed:
- Telecommunications Engineer
- Telecommunications Network Engineer
Submissions to add Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic and Motor Mechanic (General) (Automotive Technician) have been declined.
Immediate Skill Shortage List
The ISSL identifies occupations that have an immediate shortage of skilled workers either throughout New Zealand or in certain regions. Migrants wishing to work in occupations on the ISSL may be granted work visas under Essential Skills instructions if they meet the specified qualifications and/or experience requirements.
The outcomes of the review of the ISSL are to:
Add the following four occupations:
- Glazier
- Sheet metal Trades Worker
- Metal Fabricator
- Surveying or Spatial Science Technician (Building Information Modelling Professional)
Only for the Auckland and Canterbury regions.
Retain Baker, with the qualifications for using the ISSL tightened to require two years relevant post-qualification work experience.
Remove the following four occupations in the farming sector and to require employers to carry out a labour market test to ensure that suitable New Zealanders get first opportunity for these positions:
- Beef Cattle Farmer (Assistant Herd Manager)
- Dairy Cattle Farmer (Assistant Herd Manager)
- Beef Cattle Farmer (Herd Manager)
- Dairy Cattle Farmer (Herd Manager)
Remove the following seven occupations in the oil and gas sector for which there is no longer a shortage:
- Chemical Plant Operator
- Occupational Health and Safety Advisor
- Gas or Petroleum Operator
- Production Manager
- Geologist
- Safety Inspector
- Geophysicist and Petrophysicist
Remove the following six other occupations for which there is no longer a shortage:
- Accountant
- Photographer (Medical)
- Chemist (including Analytical Chemist)
- Rheumatologist
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Science Technician (Flat Weaving Specialist/ Technologist)
Submissions to add Fibrous Plasterer, Panel beater and Vehicle Painter have been declined.
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