Essential Oils Therapist Provides Simple, Safe and Empowering Solutions That Enhance Well Being

Essential Oils Therapist offers high quality essential oils to those interested in holistic wellness practices. The products are available through the Web or from Wellness Advocates.

Essential Oil Therapist is pleased to announce that the firm offers solutions which are simple, safe and effective. The enhancement of well being through the use of a variety of essential oils is the focus of the website. The Hawaii essential oils Hawaii Essential Oils Experts authorities have the knowledge and experience in the use of the products to benefit health. The aromatic compounds known as essential oils come from many parts of plants, including seeds, bark, roots, flowers and stems.

The company was launched in 2012, by a group of health care business and wellness professionals. The founders with personal experience in the benefits of essential oils joined together with the vision of introducing, educating and marketing nutritional, spa and healthy living products. The team represents the top essential oils and nutrition company which produces and distributes CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils. Home-based Wellness Advocates introduce, educate about and sell the products through one-on-one personal contacts or through personalized websites.

Essential oils are non water-based phytochemicals made up of volatile organic compounds. They don't contain fatty lipids or acids found in other oils. They are often very fragrant and feel very clean to the touch. They are immediately absorbed by the skin. The oils are known for their health benefits and for holistic applications to wellness.

The administration of essential oils is usually by aromatic methods, topical or internal methods. They can be used one at a time or in combinations to heal a multitude of ailments. They are used for stimulation or soothing benefits. Diffusers are preferred for aromatherapy, since they are low or no heat.

Learn more about essential oils and their uses by visiting the web pages at today. Members of the press and others who have questions about the contents of this press release are encouraged to contact the company at the location provided below.

Company: Essential Oils Therapist
Contact Telephone Number: (808) 214-1336