Emirati Company Plans to Develop Projects of Tourism and Infrastructures With an Investment Volume of USD 300 Million in Tonga

A delegation of Tactical Management Government Consultants visited the country with interesting proposals to promote economic development.

The delegation headed by Raphael Nagel, General Manager of the company based in Dubai, UAE, had the opportunity to meet with the main representatives of the country, and discuss varied strategies to promote the economic development of the Kingdom of Tonga and the creation of opportunities in benefit of its people.

Raphael Nagel is an economist and lawyer who has been a lobbyist and entrepreneur for several years in countries of Africa and Latin America. 

The Emirati company plans to develop in the country projects in areas such as Tourism, Infrastructure, and Aquaculture with an initial investment volume of $USD 300 million.

One of the meetings was held with the Royal Family to consider the signing of a MOU between HRH The Royal Princess Salote Mafileʻo Pilolevu Tuita and Tactical Management regarding the wish of the parties to pursue relevant and sustainable investment in the country. 

Furthermore, the delegation interviewed the Prime Minister, Hon. Mr. Akilisi Pōhiva and the Ministry of Commerce, Consumer, Trade, Innovation and Labour, Hon. Dr. Tevita Tu’I Uata, to talk over different strategies to contribute to the development of Tonga’s economy, especially in areas that cannot be undertaken by local businesses because the product, expertise, or financing is not available to them locally.

In the economic and legal areas, Tactical Management met with the Governor of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga (NRBT) Dr. Ngongo Kioa and with Mr. Aminiasi Kefu, Acting Attorney General of Tonga. They remarked about current legislation for foreign investors, comparative with other Polynesian countries such as Samoa and Fiji and the possibilities of legislative changes in Tonga to attract and increase the volume of foreign investment from the Middle East and Europe.

In order to promote the education of Tongans, Tactical Management and the Christ's University in Pacific signed a MOU of co-operation. To boost the agreement, Tactical Management donated 20 scholarships to students from diverse traditions and with low socio-economic backgrounds which will equip them to lead and labour as scholar-servants in a changing world.

Source: Tactical Management Government Consultants

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Tactical Management is an international consulting firm, specialized in advising Governments in economic development. Our main focus are emerging markets and competitive marketplaces.

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