Ellet Assets Is Getting Back to Scotland Real Estate Market

The managers of Ellet Assets AB state the company may start investing in Western Europe property again. Scotland is likely to become the first investment area.

The European real estate agents and investors mark the recovery of the residential sector of property market. Depending on the location the prices went up by 5-11% within last 3 months. Even though this raise may seem insignificant the tendency in general is quite optimistic. Specialists from Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors also mark that there are signs of national property sector recovery. Even thought the residential sector of the market brought quite significant number of the real estate options this is still not enough to meet the demand for this type of property.

Investors and buyers started regaining the confidence in real estate, and this very exponent is one of the key points in real estate sphere. Apart from that the market has finally seen affordable mortgages and this also warmed up the demand. During recent years the sphere of real estate has seen numerous new players and common buyers willing to enter the market but unable to do so. Hopefully the increasing availability of the mortgage will change the situation to the good.

Meanwhile Ellet Assets AB analyzes the secondary objects on Scottish property market. Being yet unable to develop its own projects due to market complexity and high price for construction materials Ellet Assets AB hopes to take advantage over perspective or well-located objects of the secondary market. Ellet Assets AB also thinks over the scenario which implies the creation of investment group with a local agent. This will reinforces the position of the company and will bring new investment horizons for both participants of this small alliance. Time will show what option and which strategy will be chosen by this investor.

Written by Lars Erik Larsson

About Ellet Assets AB

Ellet Assets AB
Studentgatan 12
223 62
