Election Aspiring App Developers in India

With General elections in full swing, all areas of society are bustling with political activities. App development is not an exception to this. Politics challenge is one of the most interesting game launched on similar lines.

Pune, India- With General elections in full swing, all areas of society
are bustling with political activities. App development is not an exception to this.
Recently, many apps related to politics have been launched cashing up the most hot topic
now a days i.e. Elections. Politics challenge is one of the most interesting game launched 
on similar lines.

As the election campaigns are in boom, all the areas including social media, cinema, day to
day life of people of all classes have been impacted significantly by these campaigns. There
is no wonder if world of game and app development is not hampered by the influence of politics. Now a days,
there are many interesting apps available on iTunes and Google Play related to politics.
'Politics Challenge' is one of the interesting game recently launched on iTunes, where you 
are given a target of 272 seats. You can play all constituencies one by one, reach 
targeted score by overcoming obstacles on your road map to win the seat. Users said once you
start playing the game Politics Challenge, it becomes an addiction, because there is a facility 
to apply again to elect from a constituency from where you have loosed already by making 
use of credit points. Its an fascinating experience to feel the war of crown by yourself and 
win the race in imaginary world.

This game is released on iTunes store for iOS users and will be released in google play store soon for android users. Developer also promised to bring more features in updated version. Updated version will be available in next week for users.

About Individual Developer

Individual Developer
48, Navparivar society, Chinchwad
