Early-Bird Deadline Extended for Rock Stars of Mobile Cloud, 6 May in Boston

Early-bird pricing for IEEE Computer Society's Rock Stars of Mobile Cloud, set for 6 May in Boston, has been extended until Friday, 18 April.

Early-bird pricing for IEEE Computer Society's Rock Stars of Mobile Cloud, set for 6 May in Boston, has been extended until Friday, 18 April. Attendees who register before the deadline can save more than 30 percent off the full price of $399.

Rock Stars of Mobile Cloud features the industry's top executives, including speakers from among the top 10 most influential people in cloud technology. They will discuss how the convergence of mobile and cloud technologies promises to completely transform how enterprises and consumers interact. Attendees will learn how to solve practical, real-world challenges; and receive a big-picture understanding of the vast potential and future of mobile cloud.

To register, visit http://www.computer.org/Mobile-Cloud. Team, student, and IEEE and IEEE Computer Society member discounts are also available.

Speakers include:

* Nick Brown, Senior Vice President, Mobile Strategy, SAP
* Peter Coffee, Vice President and Head of Platform Research at Salesforce.com
* Kit Colbert, CTO of End-User Computing at VMware
* Bernard Golden, Vice President of Enterprise Solutions for Enstratius
* Joshua Greenbaum, Principal, Enterprise Applications Consulting
* Dr. John Halamka, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
* Frank Ingari, CEO, NaviNet
* George Reese, Executive Director, Cloud Management, Dell Enstratius, and
* Krishnan Subramanian, Director of OpenShift Strategy at Red Hat.

The conference will provide attendees with actionable insights and knowledge to deliver the competitive advantage in these diverse areas:

* Driving mobile strategy in an enterprise environment
* Managing a portfolio of mobile applications
* Using mobile applications to leverage new IT architectures
* Improving synchronization of data
* Ensuring reliability and scalability
* Increasing ease of integration
* Controlling mission-critical data, and
* Implementing anytime-anywhere access to applications and collaborative services.

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