DreamsCloud Dream Reflections for Dreamers

Humans have been interested in dream interpretationfor thousands of years. Dreams have been interpreted as part of medical treatment, as a means of foretelling the future, and as a way to calm kings and generals on the eve of battle.

Humans have been interested in dream interpretationfor thousands of years. Dreams have been interpreted as part of medical treatment, as a means of foretelling the future, and as a way to calm kings and generals on the eve of battle. Dream interpretation is a standard part of psychotherapy. Freud called dreams the royal road to the unconscious, toideas that are repressed so deeply it is impossible for the dreamer to think about them consciously. Carl Jung believed dreams should be interpreted in both an individual and cultural context that acknowledges the collective unconscious of the human species. Many of us have wondered how to interpret dreams, especially when they are powerful, intense or troubling. Now there is a there is a website for everyone who has ever wanted or needed to interpret dreams. It's called DreamsCloud and if you register (it's free), you can share your dream with other dreamers,for them to reflect upon. You can submit your dream for reflection, as it is called, to everyone on DreamsCloud, just your friends on DreamCloud or keep it private. You can save it as a draft until you're ready to enter it in your Dreams Journal. You can also share the reflections you receive about your dreams with your group or keep those reflections private, usingthe privacy settings on the site.

Once you've registered and written down your dream, you can select the colors that were prominent in your dream, as well as images that seem to represent the emotions and sights, ideas and images of your dreaming. Finally, an artificial intelligence interface analyses your dream and offers you a list of related dreams to read. These tools help you decide how to interpret dreams because it is one of the truly fascinating characteristics of dreams that, no matter how intense they are at the time-waking us in a sweat of terror or echoing in our minds for months afterwards-they are visual and emotional,and are not easily expressed in words.

If you would like more information or simply wish to begin interpreting your dreams, visit DreamsCloud at http://www.dreamscloud.com/dream-interpretation.

About Dreams Cloud Dreams Cloud, a subsidiary of Dreams Book Inc. (DBI), is a global resource which specializes in gathering, saving, and tabulating a statistical compilation of dreams via its website and free mobile apps for smart devices. The website provides its members with tools to log their dreams, create dream journals, reflections on their dreams. The goal of Dreams Cloud is to better its members' lives and those of the public through its efforts. To learn more about Dreams Cloud, please visit http://www.dreamscloud.com.

About Dreams Book Inc.

Dreams Book Inc. (DBI), a Herndon, VA, based company, is the creator and manager of various internet-based projects. DBI employs fractional management and in-house expertise and development as well as a multi-national outsourced team to create value for its stakeholders through synergetic and strategic project management. DBI specializes in projects that provide social benefits and have mass appeal.

For Further more information about dreams interpretationand visit www.dreamscloud.com

Matt N. Tabrizi
Dreams Book, Inc.
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