Don't Waste Your Time With Useless Career Counsellors

You invest in the first 18 years of your child's education so that he lives the next 40 years of his work life happily. Career counsellors will only tell you on how to get those 18 years right. Dheya Career Mentors maps your career path keeping those

According to a newspaper survey, 48% of people wish that they had studied something totally different, while nearly 84% admitted they are not sure if they chose the right career.

Each one of us is born with a talent. To explore this talent to its fullest potential is what we all miss. Call it peer pressure or mob mentality or sheer lack of ambition ... most people are stuck in the wrong careers because they fail to realize their true and full potential. This results in people landing up in unhappy and unfulfilling jobs. By the time they realize their mistake and think of a switch, its too late.

Dheya looks to clear this conundrum for millions of minds. Dheya's Career Planning & Guidance programs consist of a psychometric assessment test that analyzes your psychological bend, and takes into consideration your skills, interests, and abilities. This assessment plays a big part in the charting of your career path that suits you and makes you happy.

According to a study, most parents don't trust aptitude tests and career counsellors because their outlook and counselling is admission oriented. This method can get you better with academics, not necessarily have the possibility of building a happy career. Dheya's occupation-centric career planning and guidance looks to plan the first 18 years of your academic life so that the next 40 years of your work life are filled with success and joy.

Being in a career of your choice gives you clarity of purpose and helps you set definite goals. Exploring of oneself's real potential leads to a successful career and a happy life.


Sushil, 26, Raghuveer Society, Mukundnagar, Off. Satara Road,
