Disciple-Training Ministry Releases Digital Teaching Series
HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn., January 22, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Replicate Ministries, a passionate group of leaders assisting churches with developing disciples and disciple-making cultures in local congregations throughout the country, recently released their digital training series, Discipleship Blueprint. Discipleship Blueprint is an eight-part video series which focuses on imparting tools and strategies to help churches reach their discipleship goals.
The Discipleship Blueprint teaches church leaders how to plan and formulate a disciple-making culture in their congregations, to study historical models of discipleship, to develop a comprehensive plan for raising up church leaders, to navigate issues that arise in the process and to consider principles and strategies for multiplying mature believers.
The video training series features lesson topics which run the gamut from creating a discipleship culture, laying the foundation of discipleship, framework for a healthy life group, why journaling scripture is essential, MARCS of a disciple assessment, DNA of a healthy discipleship group, the model discipleship group to passing the baton and more.
Replicate Ministries exists to equip local churches with the tools and strategies they need to train and sustain ardent congregations of disciples. The group achieves this through using Biblical, intentional methods that have proven effective throughout the past decade of service.
The Replicate Ministries team is honored to have released their new digital training series and is enthusiastic to see the impact it may have on churches throughout the country.
Learn more about the Discipleship Blueprint, here.
Replicate Ministries is a support system adept at equipping localized churches in the disciple-making process. The team uses their complementary twin passions, learning from scripture and implementing biblical training techniques, to assist with awakening ardent discipleship in churches and among followers of Christ. Throughout the past decade, Replicate Ministries has successfully implemented their proven strategies to help churches develop mature, intentional followers. The Replicate Ministries team is passionate about working with churches to transform local goals into effective realities.
For more information, visit: https://replicate.org
Source: Replicate Ministries