Digital Marketing Experts Steve & Marcy Blanshan to Share Insights at StoryConnect Conference: Unveiling the Secrets to Measuring Campaign Success

StoryConnect 2024 brings together the nation's largest group of rural broadband and electric utility providers.
StoryConnect 2024

This April, PunchDrunk Founders Steve & Marcy Blanshan will be connecting with rural broadband providers and electric utilities, as they have been invited to be guest speakers at the annual StoryConnect Conference.

This year, the conference will be held in Hood River, Oregon, with an extensive agenda that covers the ever-popular topic of how to best share your Brand’s story to local communities. Steve and Marcy will be focusing their session on digital marketing, specifically on how to best measure your digital campaigns’ success. This is a topic many business owners are interested in and an element of advertising that often leaves them shrugging their shoulders and asking if the dollars spent on digital marketing are worth it.

“This is a topic that travels across all marketing landscapes, both traditional and digital,” says Steve. “The age-old question of ‘is my advertising working’? One of the great things about digital marketing is that with a solid strategy out the door, putting correct measurement tools in place for every step of the customer journey is not only doable but rather easy. It’s just a matter of knowing what tool is right for which step and then how to know what success looks like.”

Learn more about this exciting conference at

Steve, Marcy, and the rest of the PunchDrunk Digital team are available to speak to groups of any size. If you are interested in talking to them about speaking engagements or digital marketing in general, please reach out to them through or email directly to

Source: PunchDrunk Digital

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