Davis & Associates, LLC Incorporates Cryptobox's Blockchain Data Security Solution

D&A Picks Cryptobox As Its Cloud Based Information Governance Security Standard
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Davis & Associates (D&A), a leading provider of cloud based eDiscovery, integrated technology solutions and information governance services for law firms, corporate legal and IT departments is pleased to announce that Ercom and D&A have formed a partnership to leverage Ercom Cryptobox’s secured file sharing solution as a part of D&A’s pioneering Holistic Information Governance as a Service (HiGaaS) offering. Cryptobox’s data segregation mechanism and blockchain enabled chain of custody ledgers is a disruptive paradigm which provides unimpeachable security, authentication and auditing for data under its management.

“Our corporate and law firm clients can securely transmit and store terabytes of confidential discovery and other sensitive intellectual property on our cloud-based platform. They can put data security concerns to rest given that we are using Cryptobox’s encryption framework to facilitate or limit data access and control while providing a full audit trail of every activity related to data hosting and content collaboration,” said founding Partner Rich Davis.

Data security is one of the most important facets of our information governance based solutions...and Cryptobox's blockchain encryption scheme is the perfect solution.

Richard E. Davis, JD, Managing Partner

“We are very proud to enable D&A to offer an even more secure and auditable solution than those commercially available, thanks to our unique product that combines data segregation and a forensic chain of custody. It is ideal for any team that needs to share highly confidential data inside or outside their environments while keeping a tamper-proof activity audit log,” said Julia Mason, Director, Ercom USA.

“I’ve been advising CIO’s and Managing Partners of law firms for years on technology and nothing in the market compares to Cryprobox’s security model. With Cryptobox, terabytes of data can be encrypted and securely stored in virtually any cloud environment. No one, not even the cloud provider can access the data without the data owner’s key,” said D&A Director of Operations Larry Briggi.

D&A / Cryptobox partnership benefits and use cases include:

  • M&A: Secure "cross border" deal rooms for contract and document analysis.
  • Litigation: Cross jurisdictional staging and processing of sensitive data for discovery purposes.
  • Records Management: Content migration, classification and encrypted archival of intellectual property or sensitive materials.

About Davis & Associates: Davis & Associates is a provider of cloud based data hosting, classification and migration solutions. www.davisinfogov.com or redavis@davisinfogov.com.

About Ercom: Ercom provides reliable, simple and highly secure communication solutions to governments and corporations. To learn more: www.ercom.com or cryptobox@ercomusa.com.


Source: Davis & Associates, LLC

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About Davis & Associates, LLC

Davis & Associates is an information governance consultancy specializing in data security, privacy and electronic discovery.

Davis & Associates, LLC
535 5th Ave, 4th Floor , #4th Floor
New York City, New York