D Randall Ashcraft's New Book '9/11/2001 the Day Patriotism Was Hijacked' Imparts Thought-Provoking Realizations on the Definition of Patriotism After 9/11

D Randall Ashcraft, a dedicated writer and retired military officer with a bachelor of science in business and a bachelor of arts in history, has completed his most recent book "9/11/2001 The Day Patriotism Was Hijacked": a riveting account that unveils the clandestine machinations of those in power that befuddles the true meaning of patriotism following the 9/11 attack.

Ashcraft writes, "Having been taught patriotic ideas from an early age, then having served in the military and taking the oath to 'protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic' several times, the author has written this book after having to redefine his beliefs regarding 'patriotism' based on new evidence he has encountered. In other words, his patriotism has evolved to the point of getting 'back to the basics' regarding the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the foundation of American life; yet they have taken serious hits since and because of 9/11/01. This book is an attempt to share with his fellow Americans the things that have been apparently and deliberately withheld from the general public regarding what really happened that day and why. One must admit that it is strange that we have always seemed to have an enemy or a 'boogeyman.' As mobster Sam Giancana once related, 'The fat cats were fully aware that Americans will do anything for patriotism. Hence, you always must provide them with a "boogeyman." They won't overwork themselves just to make huge profits for "fat cats" for any other reason, so new enemies always have to be found or created.' Wars are big businesses for a certain group of wealthy 'elites' who value profits above human life. This book explores this inhumane idea and much, much more!"

Published by Fulton Books, D Randall Ashcraft's book unveils the corruption of the rich and powerful that spawned terrorism and wars that smeared the genuine context of patriotism to a selfish end.

This book delves deeply into the darkness of humanity that tarnished the meaning of patriotism among the citizens of America.

Readers who wish to experience this intriguing work can purchase "9/11/2001 The Day Patriotism Was Hijacked" at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books