Craziness of Playing Fantasy Cricket in Online
Online, June 30, 2014 ( - How is the Team Selected
There are points given to each player based on his performance in the real IPL matches and this is why it is up to the judgment of the user or the team manager to have made a wise selection.
In order to choose the best team the user must do some research into the background of players and their past performance as well as their current form to determine how they will play in the current team.
If the team selected wins their name is even flashed on Fantasy Site!
When a user logs in, he or she will get some amount of dollars to make a team. These are not real but virtual dollars!
There must be 4 batsmen, 4 bowlers, 1 wicket keeper, and 2 all rounder. There must be 11 players who should play mandatory to form a fantasy team squad.
There is cap of 4 on choosing overseas players. There can only be 1 uncapped play and user cannot choose more than 6 players belonging to a single real IPL franchisee.
The user must be very quick and witty to choose the members as there can never be the same player on any two teams even in the virtual world.
Who is the Winner
The winner is the team that has the maximum number of points. If there is a tie then the BCCI will declare the winner based on the most creative name that a team has.
So what are people waiting for? Play Fantasy Cricket, beat the opponents, take the lead and triumph amazing cash prizes.