COVID-19 Cases on Construction Sites Prompt Need for Health Screening and Contact Tracing

New Apps Streamline Process and Improve Safety

From California to Maine, newly reopened construction businesses are experiencing rises in COVID-19 cases, prompting the need for robust solutions to avoid exposure and job-site closures. Two health-screening apps from BuildCenter, a COBE Construction software spinoff, help construction firms comply with new protocols to reduce the risk of spread on job sites.

The Health Screening Free app has been available since May. The new Pro edition targets projects requiring large numbers of workers. Health Screening Pro has interactive, distributive workforce capabilities such as generating bar codes that let workers self-register on their mobile phones. Simultaneously, it sends information to the on-site screener’s device, creating a pending list that reduces routine data entry and ensures workers get on the job quickly. Data is securely stored on a cloud server, allowing quick “contact tracing” and notification should exposure occur. 

"The construction industry is doing its best to adapt to new protocols during this pandemic,” says Shaun Olsen, co-founder of BuildCenter. “These tools make compliance easier and faster.” 

Health Screening Pro features include:

Self-registration. Workers and visitors scan a QR code at the site screening station. The bar code automatically opens a website where they fill out personal contact information and a health survey.

Customized Screening. The administrator can customize the screening questions related to COVID-19 symptoms, including if they have had contact with anyone who has tested positive for the virus. Companies can modify questions and add additional ones tailored to their needs or locale. There also is a place to insert notes such as temperature readings if the company requires it. 

Bulk Entry. After the initial screening, the app creates a list of individuals who have met the screening requirements. A click on each name gives them fast reentry without more data entry. 

Automated Email Alerts. If necessary, alerts are sent to the project team automatically, so immediate action can be taken to mitigate risk to other workers on site. 

Try Health Screening Pro at no cost for 14 days and continue with a monthly subscription. Both Health Screening Pro and Health Screening Free are available on the Apple App Store or Google Play for use on Apple or Android phones and tablets. Click here to see a demonstration. BuildCenter also offers crew scheduling and time-tracking modules available by subscription. For more information, visit

About BuildCenter

BuildCenter is obsessed with streamlining construction businesses. BuildCenter is a spinoff of a thriving Silicon Valley-based construction company. For 15+ years, it has developed innovative software and phone-based apps to streamline all aspects of a construction business. By incorporating its latest health-screening technology and other tools, BuildCenter is leading the charge for construction companies of the future. For more information, visit

Kathleen Dixon
Dixon Communications
(408) 623-6372

Source: BuildCenter