Correlation Between Age and Plastic Surgery Procedures

Recent studies conducted by ASPS has revealed there is a high correlation between certain plastic surgery / cosmetics procedure and age groups.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an affiliate of Aesthetics International, in 2012, the five most common form of cosmetic and plastic surgery have a high correlation to certain age groups, which can help surgeons better understand the mindset and expectations of patients during the consultation phase.

The most common cosmetic procedure for patients aged between 13-19 years old is rhinoplasty. During this age, the nose begins to take its final shape thus the surgery's outcome are more stable and longer lasting.

Patients who fall into the 20 - 29 year old demographic tend to opt for breast augmentation surgery. During this stage of their lives, women tend to develop the final form of their breasts though size may change as a result of pregnancy or weight fluctuations.

Liposuction tends to be the most popular procedure amongst men and women who have passed their 30's. During this age, the human body's metabolism tends to slow down and weight can be put on easily.

Patients aged between 40-50 years, tend to opt for skin tightening procedures and eyelid or brow lift as the first signs of aging settle in.

The most common cosmetic procedure for patients who are 50+ years old is facelift as results tend to last the longest and have the most visible impact.

Though each patient has their own unique needs, this study also has the potential to create new studies to help surgeons better enhance these procedures through innovation based on the physical body types of these age groups.

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