Controversial Gay Mormon Social Network Launch

Set to launch in the immediate future is a Social Network focused on the gay and lesbian Mormon community. This comes right on the heals of the overturning of Prop 8 in California, offering another source for advice, counseling, and a safe online com

New Website Offers A Safe Place For Gay LDS Men And Women

Set to launch in the immediate future is a Social Network focused on the gay and lesbian Mormon community. This comes right on the heals of the overturning of Prop 8 in California, offering another source for advice, counseling, and a safe online community.

The site is called Cor Invictus, which loosely translates to, "Unconquered Heart," from Latin. It differs from other online communities for Gays and Lesbians of the Mormon faith by being open to all, no matter the individual's current standing in the LDS church.

At first glance, the site seems fairly standard. Offering chat, profile pages, groups, and all the other standard Social networking mumbo jumbo. However, the site also offers an "Advice Section". This section gives a voice to all sorts of leaders with varying views. For example, some people may wish to stay faithful to the Mormon Church, while others simply still value some of the Mormon standards and wish to find some of them in a partner. This "advice" section offers help for both groups and will be seen as a support group to many.

While suicide for GLBT individuals has been a constant issue in today's society, Cor Invictus plans to play a helpful role in the prevention of gay and lesbian individuals taking their own lives.

"The first step to helping people is letting them know they are not alone. We hope to accomplish this and many other things with this Website.", says the Website owner, who wishes to remain anonymous. "Awareness is always the first step to correcting a problem."

While awareness may be the first step, it doesn't always appease everyone. The Website owner has admitted to encountering a fair share of critics early on in the game, yet the individuals behind the site remain optimistic.

"It's about helping people. We will eventually require a paid membership, mainly to help fund local community projects. We want to be in a position to help people in need. It's just another feature of the Website we have in the works. We want to help change the public opinion about [gay Mormons]."

For more information about, or to schedule an anonymous interview with one of the owners, please email

About Cor Invictus

Cor Invictus
Salt Lake City, UT
