Content Checked: Do You Know What's In YOUR Food?

Food allergies or intolerances? Enjoy peace of mind at the touch of a button!

More than 15 million people in the United States have food allergies, including celiac disease and stomach diseases.  Santa Monica based startup Content Checked Inc,  launches a new smartphone application, ContentChecked, an app that makes it easy for users to instantly find out what foods contain allergens and intolerances while they are shopping.  By simply scanning barcodes with the smartphone application, people with food allergies can quickly and easily check to see if a food is safe to eat.  If a food does contain a particular allergen, alternatives are suggested automatically.   ContentChecked was developed specifically to end the unnecessary illness and suffering people experience when eating foods that contain their specific allergens.

According to Moa Turander, ContentChecked Nutrition Director, "Shoppers armed with ContentChecked will be able to register their food allergies and then walk through the aisles scanning the barcode of whichever item they want to purchase."  Common food allergies include gluten, nuts, shellfish, milk, soy, and egg.

"ContentChecked is your one touch shopping assistant for you or a loved one living with food allergies and intolerances."

Moa Turander, Nutrition Director

Using the app is easy.  It is downloaded directly to a smart phone and then users simply point and scan their phone at a barcode to find out if a particular food is safe to eat.  It is available in the AppStore and Google Play.  Additionally, the app allows users to set up accounts and save their favorite items to share with family and friends.

A study by Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), found that children's food allergies cost $25 billion per year, and have been found to cause an average of one child to visit the hospital every three minutes in the United States.

ContentChecked has been used in Norway for over a year with proven success and support from various health agencies.  ContentChecked is now  available in the U.S. market.

The app will also provide customers with various allergy-free recipes, restaurant reviews and other variations of the technology, such as KosherChecked, MigraineChecked, and SugarChecked. If you or someone you know suffers from food allergies, don't take a chance/forget to check - use ContentChecked.

A promotional video for the innovative app can be viewed at:

For more information, visit:


Moa Turander                       



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