Connect Opens Season With Texas Rangers, Seeks Talent

The Connect team is preparing for another winning season with the Texas Rangers. The firm's director of operations discussed the benefits of this exciting partnership and detailed a new hiring initiative.

​​​As the weather warms and a new baseball season draws near, the associates at Connect are looking forward to working with the Texas Rangers. Rachel O’Hara, the firm’s Chief Executive Officer, explained, “It’s extremely exciting working with the Rangers. We’ve partnered with them for 15 years, and I’ve personally worked with them for 10. Springtime is always extra inspiring for us, because the Rangers have been the anchor of our portfolio for a long time. We can’t wait for the season to get started!”

For the 2015 season, Taylor, Thomas, Emily, Kara & Elise will act as account managers for this partnership. “We have some impressive and dedicated professionals leading this account,” added O’Hara. “I can’t wait to see what they achieve this season.”

"Our progressive training program and commitment to merit-based promotions allows dedicated individuals to thrive and reach their most ambitious goals,"

Rachel O'Hara, CEO

The firm has some ambitious goals in place for this year’s campaign. As Rachel O’Hara put it, “When we met with them at the beginning of the year, we knew we wanted to run a thorough campaign and be more hands-on with the club. We’re going to provide a monthly data capture and demographic information that’s more in-depth than ever before. We’ve already stepped up our market research game and are turning over more leads for the Rangers as a result. Companies love this kind of market research and detailed stats.”

Similarly, company leaders are also proud of their partnership with the Dallas Mavericks. The firm is wrapping up its third season working with the NBA team. O’Hara noted, “We love working with the Mavericks because the atmosphere at the games is incredible. The arena is always full, and we love interacting with the fans.”

Connect’s Chief Executive Officer Details Hiring Push

With demand for their compelling interactive promotions created by these two large campaigns, the managers at Connect are looking to build their team of high-achieving brand ambassadors. O’Hara stated, “We’re poised for expansion into major new markets, so we want to find motivated individuals to grow along with our firm.”

The company offers rewarding and challenging careers to business-minded professionals, and a focus on advancement puts talented individuals on a path to lasting success. “Our progressive training program and commitment to merit-based promotions allows dedicated individuals to thrive and reach their most ambitious goals,” Rachel concluded. “Many who take on roles with our firm can look forward to being involved in these types of long-term campaigns and representing some big names in sports and athletics!”

About Connect

Connect is a results-driven provider of memorable and effective interactive marketing campaigns. By combining strategic planning with an unmatched talent for fast and efficient implementation, the firm provides consistent results for clients of all sizes. Connect utilizes a dynamic approach that makes an immediate impact and leads to long-term relationships between companies and customers. These mutually-beneficial bonds create lasting brand loyalty as well as sustained improvements in clients’ revenue streams. The company has built a reputation as an industry leader resulting in significant growth because of its team of highly-skilled branding specialists. Contact them today to learn more about how they help clients exceed even their most ambitious promotional goals. Check us out at

Source: Connect