Company Searches Made Simple Introduces a New, Smarter Search Function

The team at Made Simple are pleased to announce a new update to our company credit report service; Company Searches Made Simple.

The team at Made Simple are pleased to announce a new update to our company credit report service; Company Searches Made Simple.

Our company search function, the way in which our customers search for the company that they wish to buy a report on, now boasts much smarter search functionality.

This has fixed a number of previous issues:

Limited or Ltd? It no longer matters

With the old search function, if you used 'Limited' at the end of a company name when the company used 'Ltd' instead (or vice versa), your search would come back empty.

Now it doesn't matter what suffix you use, 'Limited' or 'Ltd'. We'll find your company. In fact you don't even need to use a suffix at all - we'll still be able to find the company.

Spacing or no spacing? It no longer matters

With the old search function, if you used spacing in the company name when the company didn't use spacing (or vice versa), your search would come back empty.

Now it doesn't matter if you use spacing or not. We'll find your company.

And or &? It no longer matters

With the old search function, if you used 'and' in the company name when the company used '&' instead (or vice versa), your search would come back empty.

Now it doesn't matter if you use 'and' or '&'. We'll find your company.

Full-stop or no full-stop? It no longer matters

With the old search function, if you used a full stop in the company name when the company didn't use a full stop (or vice versa), your search would come back empty.

Now it doesn't matter if you use a full stop or not. We'll find your company.

Company Searches Made Simple provides a range of search services. These include company credit reports, company documents, company trackers and director reports. For more information, please visit