Community Supports Ninety Years of Advocacy

Anderson Center for Autism surpasses fundraising goal with help of local businesses

Anderson Center for Autism is celebrating their 90th birthday this year. In 1924, psychiatrist Dr. Victor V. Anderson laid the groundwork for integrated programs addressing the educational, emotional and social needs of children with special needs in a time when most were institutionalized. "Initially, [Anderson] welcomed students needing an alternative learning experience and provided a safe place," says Eliza Bozenski, Director of Agency Affairs. Ninety years later, the Center continues Dr. Anderson's work. Focusing solely on caring for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), the Center serves 200 children and adults from the Northeast.

To kick off Anderson's 90th anniversary, a generous donor offered to match unrestricted gifts to Anderson dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. Thanks to the investment of parents, friends, staff and the community, Anderson reached their goal two months ahead of schedule.

"We are absolutely thrilled with the success of our outreach. The strength of our community partnerships, our relationship with Anderson families, our dedicated staff and so many others, have all led to us meeting this exciting challenge goal. We look forward to strengthening these relationships. They are all integral to the growth of Anderson Center for Autism. On behalf of the children and adults we serve, we extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported Anderson thus far in 2014," says Bozenski.

The gifts will support many programs and initiatives at Anderson, including technology, upgrades to campus, LifeLong LearningSM Centers, field trips, maintenance for adult group homes and much more.

Anderson Center for Autism would like to thank yearlong sponsors, Kirchhoff-Consigli, M&T Bank, Rose and Kiernan, Inc., and Lynford Family Charitable Trust. Through their continued support, the children and adults of Anderson are provided the unique opportunity to live and learn in an environment that encourages independence, growth and self-worth.

Be part of the celebration all year long and attend any one of the upcoming events:
Thursday, August 7th: HV Renegades Autism Awareness Game/Dutchess Stadium
Saturday, August 16th: Alumni Reunion at Anderson Center for Autism
Saturday, October 4th: Birthday Party at Anderson Center for Autism
Saturday, October 25th: rUNDEAD at Anderson Center for Autism

If you would like to help Anderson reach their 90/900 goal to raise $900,000 in 2014, visit their donate page.

To learn more, call 845-889-4034, visit or like us on Facebook at for news and updates.