Comedy Director Adam Paul Wins Five Telly Awards for Web Spots for Client Canvas Solutions

Adam Paul, a commercial director who's been earning steady accolades for his comedy work, created two web spots for client Canvas Solutions Inc. that were recently awarded a total of five 2014 Telly Awards.

-- Adam Paul, a commercial director who's been earning steady accolades for his comedy work, created two web spots for client Canvas Solutions Inc. that were recently awarded a total of five 2014 Telly Awards. The spots were written and directed by Paul and produced by Jed Mortenson of Waypoint Films in partnership with Paul's production company Giantleap Industries.

Adding to what is becoming yet another decorated year for Paul, web spots 'Cubicle Contagion' and 'Paper Walks the Plank' won Telly Awards in the Internet/Online Commercial Category, including Silver Tellys for Visual Effects ('Cubicle Contagion'); Business Equipment and Services ('Paper Walks the Plank'); Branded Content - Business to Consumer ('Paper Walks the Plank'); and Bronze Tellys for Business Equipment and Services ('Cubicle Contagion') and Use of Humor ('Cubicle Contagion').

Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. The Telly Awards annually showcases the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. The Telly Awards is a widely known and highly respected national and international competition and receives over 12,000 entries annually from all 50 states and many foreign countries.

Canvas Solutions CEO James Quigley, who also starred in both spots, notes, "Canvas is focused on keeping our culture and voice at the forefront of our brand positioning. Waypoint Films and Giantleap Industries did an amazing job of recognizing our corporate identity and mission, and turned them into video spots that uniquely told our story. There is a reason why we continually return to their teams to tell our story in new and creative ways. The fact that our pieces from 2013 won a series of Telly's only shows us that others agree - these guys rock."

"We loved the comedic writing for these spots and were very excited to be asked to help develop them from script-to-screen. Adam Paul's comedy writing and directing chops had us looking for a project to collaborate on for some time," said Waypoint Film's Producer, Jed Mortenson.

"I love winning awards," says director, Adam Paul. "I particularly love the Telly because it's heavy enough to do some serious damage if an intruder enters my office. Now that I have five, I'm thinking of training an army of security guards and fashioning holsters for them to carry their new awesome weapons of creativity. Also, I'm really grateful to Canvas Solutions for choosing me to write and direct these insane spots produced by master Producer Jed Mortenson and Waypoint."

About Giantleap Industries and Comedy Director Adam Paul:

Giantleap Industries is an independent film and commercial production house founded by Adam Paul, an award-winning, Los Angeles-based commercial comedy director, who lends 20 years of comedy experience to directing and production supervision for branded commercial video projects of all sizes and budgets. Recognized for successful projects ranging from creating and starring in the comedy Hollywood Residential for the Starz Network, to playing the iconic 'Naked Man' on How I Met Your Mother, to directing Volkswagen's 2014 Super Bowl social media videos, Adam keeps his focus on one thing: telling a good story.

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