Coca-Cola Presents U.S. Veterans Choice Comedy Awards Brought to You by Hollywood American Legion & Assistance for Veterans

 To celebrate the brave and heroic actions of our military veterans and to comfort and aid at-risk veterans, the first annual Coca-Cola Presents U.S. Veterans Choice Comedy Awards award show was created and will be hosted by comedians Paul Rodriguez and Kiki Melendez. Participating celebrities include Dick Van Dyke, Jerry Mathers, Edward James Olmos and Fran Drescher, among others. Comedians performing include Erik Knowles, Mike Marino, Will C., Bobby Henline, Katie Robinson, Sandy Brown, Anthony Torino and Tony Vinh.

Retired Major General Alfred Valenzuela has teamed up with the Hollywood American Legion, a local non-profit organization also dedicated to assisting veterans struggling with daily chores, to create Coca-Cola Presents U.S. Veterans Choice Comedy Awards, which will take place on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at the historic Hollywood American Legion next to the Hollywood Bowl.

Homeless Veterans Fundraiser

Alfred Perez, National Director

The annual fundraiser will air on cable locally and in key markets and possibly the Armed Forces Network, as well as on the World Wide Web. This will be a night of laughter and dancing to benefit homeless and at-risk veterans and their families that can use a helping hand with food, clothing, hygiene items and guidance.

The red carpet event will feature onstage comedians and a musical performance. Two comedy awards will be handed out to the best comedians chosen by our veterans through online voting. We will also honor one of our heroes with the Roy P. Benavidez Award for Valor handed out by Major General Valenzuela (ret.) and Yvette Benavidez Garcia, the daughter of Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Roy P. Benavidez. We also will hand out a lifetime achievement award.

Proceeds from the event will support homeless and at-risk veterans with food, clothing and guidance to help get them off the streets.

Event Date: Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 7:00PM (Arrive early)

Location: Hollywood American Legion 2035 Highland Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90068

Press Contact,

Alfred Perez (Veteran/National Director) 626-261-8805


Assistance For Veterans Inc. – 501c3 EIN# 47-1731868

Hollywood American Legion – 501 c3                                                               

Major General Alfred Valenzuela (Ret.)

Source: Assistance For Veterans

About Assistance For Veterans

Assistance for homeless and at-risk veterans, food, clothing and guidance.

Assistance For Veterans
8785 Anada Ct
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
