Explains How to Get COBRA Coverage and Alternative Plans Based on Client's Needs offers COBRA health insurance, as well as alternative plans based on individual need

COBRA medical insurance

Over the last month, tens of millions of people around the country have been laid off or let go from their jobs as a result of the pandemic. This has left millions of people unsure about how to continue providing their families with the health insurance coverage they desperately need at this time. One company,, specializes in helping people with their Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) health insurance needs, as well as providing them with affordable alternative plans that meet their needs. 

Many people are trying to determine how to get COBRA health insurance right now and is happy to help people with all of their COBRA questions, as well as to provide them with COBRA insurance plans and alternatives based on their situation that they may find to be more affordable than COBRA. 

COBRA is a law that ensures those who lose their job will have a short transitional period in which they can continue to get their health insurance. This requires that those companies that have at least 20 employees provide the person with the ability to continue getting their health insurance plan. However, the person has to pay for the COBRA coverage, which can be costly. 

Many people find that the COBRA medical insurance cost is more than they can comfortably afford, especially when they have lost their job. For many people, it may make more sense to obtain rates on alternative plans, at least to compare and see which one fits their budget better. COBRA medical insurance is 102% of the cost of the health care benefit that the person was receiving at their job. Essentially, the person is paying for the full cost of the plan, plus a small administration fee. offers short-term plans that are affordable compared to the COBRA health insurance cost. They can help those who have missed open enrollment periods, and have helped countless people find affordable health insurance plans within minutes. By submitting their information, they will be contacted by experienced health insurance agents who will be able to help them navigate through their COBRA questions.

About, based in Deerfield Beach, Florida, helps consumers get access to affordable short-term health insurance options. Those on the health insurance team are licensed and have decades of experience in the field. For more information, visit their website at:

Source: National Insurance Direct