Coastal Commission Denies Coastal Permit to Andre Hurst and Uses Size of Home as One of the Reasons

On March 7, 2019, Coastal Commission Staff denied Andre Hurst permit to rebuild his 70-year-old home. In analyzing the staff report, the coastal commission staff asserts that the proposed home is too big for the coastal bluff area. 

By the standards applied by the city and coastal commission, the proposed home is modest, says Hurst. The average size of an approved home on the Encinitas bluffs is 3,436 square feet. The Hurst home is 2,818 square feet, 18% smaller. The average basement approved by the City or by the Commission is 1,296 square feet. The Hurst basement is 1,156 square feet, 11% smaller. The average garage approved by the City or by the Commission is 623 square feet. The Hurst garage is 244 square feet, 71% smaller.

In Andre Hurst's opinion, "The idea that the coastal commission will start dictating the size of home that you can build upon your property should be concerning to all California residents and property rights advocates." 

Source: Andre Hurst