CMC Government Supply Encourages Purchasing Or Assembling An Emergency Kit Now For The Home Or Office

Waiting until later may be too late, prepare to protect your family now!

With the recent wave of storms that has hit many parts of the country, CMC Government Supply is encouraging its customers to get prepared now so that your family and others are protected. Emergencies can strike at a moments notice so its vitally important to have an emergency or disaster kit ready. A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household or office may need in the event of an emergency.

CMC Government Supply has an Emergency Preparedness Kit that already has many of the non-food items recommended by FEMA assembled in one convenient red bag for a great value. This red bag is easy to distinguish in an emergency and has 201 items, quality products, such as, 75 Piece ANSI Standard First Aid Kit, 50 - Disposable Nitrile Gloves, 50 - Disposable Face Masks, 10 - Chemical Light Sticks, 4 in 1 Emergency Tool, LED Flashlight with Batteries, 10 Yard Roll of Duct Tape, 12" Cardboard Splint, Pair of Work Gloves, Chemical Splash Safety Goggles, Military Style Can Openers, Emergency Whistle - Orange with Lanyard, Four Emergency Survival Blankets.

Those caught in any disaster may have to survive on their own resources after an emergency. This means being prepared with food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster but cannot reach everyone immediately. Help may come within hours or it could be days.

Assembling a kit well in advance is the best way to be prepared. Those in an emergency may have to evacuate in a moments notice and will not have time to purchase supplies. Also even if advanced warning is given of a natural disaster, many local stores quickly sell out of these essential items.

Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days or even a week, or longer. A supplies kit should contain items to help manage during these outages.

CMC Government Supply has many Emergency Preparedness products like food, emergency lighting, emergency supplies, survival products, first aid supplies, and more to create a customized kit for the home or office and the red emergency preparedness bag is available for purchase separately.

Purchasing or assembling an emergency kit is easy and economical. Do it now so vitally important items are where they need to be when you need them.