Clean the World Foundation Reduces Diarrheal Disease by 97% in India With WASH in Schools Program

Nine-month international Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene programming teaches students and families how to stay healthy

Handwashing Demonstration

In early October 2017, Clean the World Foundation, a leader in global health, launched their 5th International WASH in Schools Program in northeastern India serving 36 schools. With the highest rates of hygiene-related deaths in the world, India was an important focus country for the nonprofit organization. Together with their strategic partner World Vision India, Clean the World Foundation was able to reduce diarrheal disease among the participating students by 97% in just six months.

Since 2016 Clean the World Foundation, recently named as the 23rd NGO to join the United Nations Global WASH Cluster, has driven WASH Education initiatives through their domestic Soap in Schools program and their international WASH in Schools program. Clean the World Foundation employees work closely with local nonprofit partners to facilitate these comprehensive hygiene education programs in classrooms all around the world, focusing on lasting behavioral change. Students participate in interactive handwashing demonstrations, learn songs, and play games to help enforce the importance of handwashing as well as when, why, and how to do so. Parents and extended family members are encouraged to join in on the WASH Education activities and are all given bars of Clean the World soap to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom into their own homes.

These results speak to the power of ongoing WASH education and access as part of a system designed to create sustainable behavior change

Sam Stephens, Executive Director of Clean the World Foundation

In addition to the astounding decline in diarrheal disease, Clean the World Foundation reported that over 80% of students participating in WASH in Schools India were observed to properly wash their hands at the appropriate times without any prompting, indicating successful behavior change within the community. Over 90% of parents agreed to purchase soap after the nine-month programming is complete.

Within the first six months, Clean the World Foundations WASH in Schools India program has proven to be extremely effective within the participating communities throughout Kolkata and the Bihar State.

“These results speak to the power of ongoing WASH education and access as part of a system designed to create sustainable behavior change,” said Sam Stephens, Executive Director of Clean the World Foundation. “At the start of the current school year, none of the schools had any access to water, toilets, or hygiene items, and rates of hygiene-related illnesses were incredibly high. We stepped into the provide the ongoing WASH Education and hygiene supplies for the program, and World Vision India provided access to water and toilets for the schools and communities. This comprehensive, long-term approach is helping create the greatest impact of any program we’ve operated so far.”

The results from the end of the school year will be available in June. Clean the World Foundation will also be collecting data for the next 6-12 months to ensure that the impact sustains itself after the lifespan of the WASH in Schools program. In addition, Clean the World Foundation is in talks with World Vision and the Indian Government about tripling the size of the program going into the next school year.

Clean the World Foundation is highly focused on expanding its WASH program globally. This is made possible by the generous financial support from donors. To support WASH in Schools, please visit:

About Clean the World Foundation

Clean the World Foundation is an international development and global health nonprofit operating water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) education programs, emergency relief initiatives, and microfinancing projects targeting vulnerable communities in the United States and around the world. Clean the World Foundation is the 501(c)(3) non-profit sector of Clean the World’s social enterprise responsible for all soap and hygiene kit distribution both domestically and globally. Clean the World Foundation operates global health programs and partnerships around the world. It also engages volunteers, donors, and other outcome-focused organizations around the world to provide WASH supplies and education curriculums to support its global health programs. Since 2009, Clean the World Foundation has served over 10 million individuals through its programs across 127 countries. A copy of the official registration and financial information for Clean the World Foundation may be obtained from the division of consumer services by visiting More information:

Source: Clean the World Foundation

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