Cipherpoint Renews Contract With California State University

The renewal has come after CSU upgraded to Cipherpoint's new version of cp.Discover and extended its use into CSU's SharePoint online and file server environments.


Cipherpoint (ASX:CPT) has renewed its contract with California State University (CSU) for its cp.Protect and cp.Discover products plus services.

CSU has been a customer since 2015 and is the largest four-year public university system in the U.S., with over 47,000 staff and more than 481,000 enrolled students.

The renewal has come after CSU upgraded to Cipherpoint’s new version of cp.Discover and extended its use into their SharePoint online and file server environments.

The contract renewal value is about $51,000 for a further term of 12 months.

Cipherpoint has allotted shares under its recent $500,000 share purchase plan (SPP) which was oversubscribed after receiving strong support from existing shareholders. Acceptances totaling $1,264,500 were received, more than two times the maximum subscription of $500,000.

Source: Cipherpoint