Chosen One Steven Sutherland

Chosen One-Steven Sutherland "Soul Searching & Informative", "Compassionate & Transparent", Adventure & Mystery", Amazing Life Changing Decisions" Light Thriving In Each Moment, Darkness You Have Been Warned,

Chosen One Steven Sutherland Buy Today!

Chosen One-Steven Sutherland

"Soul Searching & Informative",

"Compassionate & Transparent",

Adventure & Mystery",

Amazing Life Changing Decisions"

Light Thriving In Each Moment,

Darkness You Have Been Warned,

You will follow Sir Brent, Kelcey & Sir Stephen as they work out darkness influence on their life and lights fullness and completeness in the moments! The decisions they make in crucial moments find them disheartened & Fallen. Still they can be full of purpose and shine so bright in the absolute darkest moments. They battle with wants, desires verses life's big picture.
Chosen One Steven Sutherland 2013

YA Global Hit


Sir Brent-King

Dark Brown Straight Hair Blue Eyes Future King

You could clearly see from the gleam in Sir Brent's eyes that he has great aspirations for the Highlands. Sir Brent never felt secure in this new land. He compares life to the riches they knew in the southwest lands and wants more.

Sir Stephen-Cohort Friend

Wavy Brown Hair Blue Eyes Future Prime Minister

Sir Stephen is content and his direction is very clear to him.

Kelcey-New Friend

Stone Black Hair Kerry Blue Eyes Future Queen

Right before their eyes a girl with stone black shinny locks and piercing Kerry blue eyes that looked ever so deeply in two both of the friends eyes.


The Date is AD 300. Scotland was comprises of two different peoples at this time. The Picti and Scotti were known for hundreds of complaints against the Roman lands. The peoples united were known for their part in the evacuation of Britain of the Romans. This heartland of Dalriada is the homeland of Sir Brent of Dalriada and Sir Stephen his cohort and faithful friend. The highlands terrain was very steep and the lands below were way east of this mountain region. The land was quite treacherous and frigid for any man to bear.

Six Chronicles

The Chosen One














Steven Sutherland

Wavy Brown Hair Blue Eyes Future Hit Author YA

About Sutherland Publications

Sutherland Publications
29 W. Pleasant Hill Blvd
Palatine, IL
