Childless Couples Can Meet Best IVF Specialist in Delhi

There has been a strong demand from the childless couples to have the most wonderful blessings in the form of their own children.

However, the lack of the most useful treatment procedures has always made it difficult for the couples to have their desire for their own babies impossible to achieve. But, to their utter satisfaction and surprise, the best ivf clinics in Delhi have come up with an amazing option called IVF treatment by best ivf specialist in delhi. IVF or the in vitro fertilisation is a process that is exclusively done by creating an embryo outside the mother’s body, in a glass tube.

The specialist doctors of one of eth best clinics in Delhi stated that they have seen that women have suffered much from their inability to produce healthy eggs. Not only that but also the unhealthy fallopian tubes, where the eggs are supposed to fuse with the sperm are also a main reason for their inability to conceive a baby. But the entire blame cannot be put to the eggs only; rather the sperms too can cause much trouble and become a hindrance in the way of a pregnancy.

That is the reason, why the IVF technology is so much loved and trusted. Its success rate is huge and it assures that mothers can safely conceive their babies by omitting the obstacles in the way. The team of experienced and skilled doctors from one of the best clinics that offers IVF treatment in Delhi mentioned that IVF is a process that takes a long time to be completed. And in this entire process, they provide every possible support to the patient as there is a strong need for emotional support along with the clinical treatment.

The procedure starts with the production of healthy eggs. By suppressing the monthly cycle, the intended mother is given injections of FSH or follicle stimulating hormone for a period of 12 to 14 days. This helps to increase the number of healthy egg production. Once this is done, the eggs are then collected from the body of the intended mother. The doctors added on while describing the procedure that not only the eggs but also the sperms are made healthy by giving the intended father proper and thorough medication.

When they were asked about the safety measures that are taken while this process is done, the ivf specialist from the clinic mentioned that after the follicle stimulating hormone is stopped being injected, the egg release procedure is monitored. Post the collection of the eggs and the sperms, they are fused outside the mother’s womb and an embryo is developed. There is a very crucial period of 16 to 20 hours that the fused eggs spend in the laboratory. Only the healthiest embryos are placed within the womb of the mother. As it takes too much of time to complete the entire procedure, the ivf doctors always take utmost care that there is no technical fault. There is ample scope that its use will become more popular with every passing day.

Contact - Origyn Fertility & IVF
Max Hospital  HB Twin towers,Near TV Tower, PitampuraNew Delhi-110034Mobile : 91 9717252619 , 9810252619

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