Central Valley Events on Promotion of Trailblazer Sean G.

The team at Central Valley Events is excited to report that the firm's president has been promoted to a national consultant for the industry. Their leader discussed his role as mentor, as well as his goals for the year.

In late 2014, Sean G., the president of Central Valley Events, assumed this prestigious role for his specific portion of the automotive division. “I love to help coach and mentor others in the business,” he said. “I’ve been working in this field for more than a decade, and I’ve offered guidance for more than 50 business leaders in my career so far. It’s been a wonderful experience, and it’s not just the mentees who benefit from these relationships. They really teach me a lot about being a good leader.”

The Lehigh University graduate, who studied finance and information systems, had some insight to share with others who are working up the ranks of their industries. He stated, “Be patient with the process. Developing an entry-level associate into a manager is not going to happen overnight. It takes time, trial and error, and an extremely high level of ambition. Also, don’t kick yourself too much for past errors.” He acknowledged that mistakes and occasional failures are par for the course, and that they should be perceived as learning opportunities.

"No matter what type of success you're trying to achieve, whether we're talking about personal or professional pursuits, I firmly believe that true progress can't be made unless specific, attainable goals are in place,"

Sean, President

Central Valley Events Leader Discusses Goals for 2015

“No matter what type of success you’re trying to achieve, whether we’re talking about personal or professional pursuits, I firmly believe that true progress can’t be made unless specific, attainable goals are in place,” Sean continued. “Long-term objectives offer a sense of direction and purpose, while short-term milestones help measure progress.” He elaborated further that goals are essential components of growth, and without them, the likelihood of the objective being reached diminishes.

Sean indicated that he has some new goals to coincide with his promotion. His first is to continue to drive Central Valley Events to new heights of success. He also wants to further expand the industry itself, and to get involved in retail growth. “Of course, no matter what I’m doing, I’m going to be available to my team and any other professionals in this field who need guidance,” he concluded. “We have a lot of talented young executives and I want to mentor them to the best of my abilities. My colleagues and I have a lot of challenging work ahead of us in 2015, and I know we’ll do great!”

About Central Valley Events

Central Valley Events is a full service consulting and marketing firm dedicated to creating innovative solutions to clients' marketing challenges. As brands seek to break into new markets, they require a unique approach to stand out in their highly competitive sectors. By using an interactive approach that engages the public, the firm’s customized marketing strategies create a strong link with targeted consumers that generates immediate brand awareness as well as sustainable brand loyalty and increased revenue. The firm’s scalable marketing model is highly adaptable for both small start-ups and large corporations. Visit centralvalleyeventsca.com to learn more about their unique approach to advertising.​