Celebrity Health Coach Opens Boutique Wellness Center in Redmond, WA

Previously unavailable to the local community, new Center in Redmond will now offer services that high profile individuals have been using for years

There is a new center on the Eastside and it has already taken Seattle by storm! Stories continue to flood in on the power of utilizing Biofeedback  as a resource for different health and emotional issues.

Celebrity Health Coach, Anna Marie has opened up a Boutiqe Wellness Center where she now offers her elite services to the local public. She says she has a passion for her city and the surrounding areas, and desires to see people liberated from the overabundance of stress, low energy and health conditions in their life.

There is a bright new service on the Eastside, and women are loving it!

Sarah, Publicist

Biofeedback is a tool that has been around for over 40 years, and has come a long way since it 1st entered the market. There are dozens of different ways to use the technology and in Redmond there are 2 types you can now take advantage of. One gives you a complete scan and reading of what is going on internally with your body and health, provding inavlauable insight and specific needs your body has as well as a food sensitivity scan which is a growing concern for many. The 2nd form, which when coupled with Anna's remarkable abilities and passion appears to be "nothing short of a miracle" accordng to several of her clients. They also go on to say, that 30 years of suffering was released in a matter of weeks by utilizing the center's services in Anna's "Total Transformation Program"

Do we have a Miracle Worker in our midst? Perhaps. But either way, the opportunity to have this center and these services available is nothing short of exciting!

"The ALIVE Academy is a Boutique Wellness Center specialzing in Total Transformation of Mind/Body/Spirit. They are the leaders in Biofeedback in Greater Seattle." For more info visit: http://www.biofeedbackscans.com