CBD-DOCS Offers Initial Discount for "Low THC Compassionate Care" Qualified Patients

Lake Worth-Based Medical Treatment Referral Company Provides Discount for First-Time Patients during Initial Visit

CBD-DOCS, a medical treatment referral company based in Lake Worth, Fla., offers a special discount for qualified patients during their initial visit.

To receive this initial discount, a patient must visit the website at http://www.cbd-docs.com/, and fill out the pre-qualifying form. Once the form is received, a representative from CBD-DOCS will follow up with a phone call to set an appointment. CBD-DOCS will offer a $50 discount on the patient’s initial visit. In addition, if the patient does quality, the initial fee will also include the state registration setup and fee.

"Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound that has been increasingly researched due to its significant medicinal effects."

Chris Capece, Clinical Director

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a therapeutic plant cannabinoid that has been used legally in all 50 states, and all around the world, by hundreds of thousands of people; as a dietary supplement and for various symptoms and conditions. CBD has shown its anti-convulsant, anti-psychotic, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties – just to name a few.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound that has been increasingly researched due to its significant medicinal effects,” said Chris Capece, Clinical Director of CBD-DOCS. “CBD is one of at least 70+ active cannabinoids identified and is considered to have a wider scope of medical applications and benefits than the THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol) element of the plant.”

To become a Cannabidiol (CBD) patient, an individual must follow the required steps and procedures. The first step in the process in an evaluation. First, patients must qualify in their respective state based on a guideline and list of approved chronic and debilitating conditions and diseases. These vary from state to state, but can include epilepsy, cancer, spasms among others. When a patient has been pre-qualified, they must then make an appointment with a Florida licensed and state certified physician within their area to proceed with a medical evaluation, qualification.


At CBD-DOCS.com, our goal is to assist patients with existing medical conditions and ailments (that have been approved by the state of Florida as a qualifying medical condition for cannabidiol) to locate and book appointments with licensed (local) physicians willing to recommend medical CBD as a treatment.

For more information, please visit http://www.cbd-docs.com/ or call 844-CBD-DOCS.



Our goal is to assist patients with existing medical conditions and ailments to locate and book appointments with licensed physicians willing to recommend medical CBD as a treatment.

7343 Lake Worth Road
Lake Worth, FL


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