Cannabis Industry Heavyweights Confirmed for MJAC2017 InvestorsHub International Cannabis Conference

Announces featured companies, media partners and sponsors

MJAC2017, the premier cannabis event devoted to retail investors powered by CBMJ – Canna Broadcast Media, today reveals its leading lineup.

MJAC2017 is proud to announce that Isodiol International Inc., a global cannabis innovator specializing in the development of pharmaceutical and consumer products, will be the platinum sponsor of the conference. MassRoots, Rambridge™ and The Green Organic Dutchman are gold sponsors for the event, joined by Signal Bay Inc. and Namaste Vapes™ as silver sponsors.

The two-day event, which runs on Sept. 1st and 2nd in Los Angeles, will feature more than 50 companies and will involve both the established and the new guard in the industry. Cy Scott, co-founder and CEO of Headset, Inc., Adelia Carrillo, CEO of Direct Cannabis Network and Greg Engel, CEO of Organigram Inc. are just a few of the names from the extensive speaker itinerary. CANNAINVESTOR Magazine, CannaHealthcare Magazine, CannaNet.TV, Money Radio, Genesis Communications Network, BizTalkRadio and HANF Magazin are amongst the media partners. 

MJAC2017 is also bringing together cannabis industry heavyweights for its MJAC Start Up Pitch Event as well as for its panel discussions, which will include topics such as: The Regulatory Outlook of the U.S. Market, Investing In Canada: How Canadian LPs are Leading the Way, Investing in the U.S. Cannabis Market, Investing in the "Picks and Shovels” of the Industry and Global Emerging Cannabis Markets.

“The cannabis industry and modern retail investors alike have been crying out for an event such as MJAC2017 for some time. Many conferences on the calendar focus on the B2B market. InvestorsHub with its unique worldwide audience of savvy investors and traders offers something different; it’s ideally placed to bring together canna-businesses and investors,” said Michael Hannigan of InvestorsHub. “It’s going to be a fantastic event and investors are going to have access to the foremost investment opportunities in the industry,” he continued.

Featured companies and groups at time of press include:

3C Cannabis
Aegis Biotech
American Growth Fund
Arcview Group
Armaplex Securities 
Bee Delightful
Cannabis Creative
Canna Funding Solutions 
CBMJ -Canna Broadcast Media 
Cover Cannabis
CV Sciences
Freedom Leaf
Green Rush Consulting
Innovativ Media Group
Invictus MD
Lexaria Bioscience
Namaste Vapes™
National Cannabis Chamber of Commerce (NCCC) 
Ocean Grown Extracts
Precise Cannabis
SanSal Wellness
Signal Bay Inc
Supernova Women
The Green Organic Dutchman
Viridian Capital
WSR Radio

And more…

MJAC2017 is taking place at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. Live, Sept. 1st and 2nd. For the latest details and to book tickets go to Telephone: 1 (714) 978-4581. Email:

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About MJAC2017 InvestorsHub International Cannabis Conference

MJAC is the premier cannabis conference for retail investors brought to you by InvestorsHub. A live two-day cannabis investing symposium with cannabis industry exhibitors, guest speakers, industry expert panels and educational workshops.

MJAC2017 will feature 50 prominent cannabis industry exhibitors who will get the opportunity to meet over 2000 qualified potential investors and market themselves on InvestorsHub.

Join us at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. Live, September 1st & 2nd 2017.

 1 (714) 978-4581

Source: InvestorsHub