Can The Body Attack The Mind Like A Virus?
Online, July 1, 2014 (
Can The Body Attack The Mind Like A Virus?
June Roca Launches Investigation on Sugar Fears
June and Leon, the team behind announces their latest project. Passionate about the relationship between the mind and the body, the husband and wife team began daily blogs about their experience of sugar. Their latest project studies the human's 'mind- body relationship' relating to sugar and much more.
Both Leon and June are currently logging their food and blood sugar readings while utilizing the self-forgiveness and self-correction methods for releasing their fears and desires for sugar through their blogs. June took this as a project because this assisted her when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer after many years of dieting where she tried vegetarianism, veganism, rawfoodism etc., which she found out was driven by her fear of having a disease and fear of death. She only began eating meat after she was healed from cancer where she opted not to use chemotherapy and radiation but decided to undergo surgery instead contrary to the advice given by her doctors, only to notice her body began having problems with excess body fat so began pondering that the issue may be her relationship to the food she eats - her fears of an unhealthy diet and her paranoia for healthy eating. She started logging her weight and food daily and made a Living E-book entitled 'My Food and Weight' available through Amazon which was released last April 2014. She has gone from weighing 155 lbs. when she started last October 15, 2013 to weighing 135.6 lbs. by June 22, 2014.
The 21-days mind investigation on sugar began on May 24th and will continue towards the end of June. Participants are encouraged to join at any time. Upon completion, the duo will be re-launching this project again to accommodate those who join who wants to start at a later date. The next project will be renamed 21 Days of Mind Investigation on Nutrition.
June Roca provides exclusive comments on sugar and body-mind relationships stating, "Withdrawal is a problem many people face, but demonizing sugar is not the answer. We know that 'what we resist persists' so we are advocating using self-forgiveness and correction of eating behavior patterns which is influenced by fear of disease. The fear response that normally generates appropriate behavior responses is linked to stress. There are many psychological changes in the body that are associated with fear which we summarized as the fight-or-flight response. This is how we cope with danger. It works by accelerating sweating, increased blood glucose and increased white blood cells - a physical response where the immune system fights back.
June asks readers and listeners the following questions:
Can disease be the result of how the body is trying to fight the mind?
Can the body fight the mind like a virus?
This is indeed a possibility, June said
The project is set on releasing the individual's fears which when successfully done with proper guidance can lead to stability as one learns to breathe through ones fears. Roca also suggests that readers look at the definitions they give words as the definitions we give words is what will eventually guide our behavior.
June Roca is a health coach who is the face behind 'Buds of Life'. A graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a VIP member of Who's Who for this year, 2014, Roca has gained insights from doing her 'My Food and Weight' Living E-book and the sugar log project which sparked her latest '21 Days of Mind Investigation on Sugar'. She also creates recipes which can be vegetarian, vegan, standard American, Asian or anything under the sun.
For media inquiries regarding the 21-days Mind Investigation on sugar, individuals are encouraged to contact Health Coach June Roca directly at 972-251-0231 or via email at To learn more about the project, please visit: