Call Philippines at Cheap Price and Also Avail Our Best Reseller Services

Cheap calls to Philippines are available with free VoIP mobile dialer and can also contact us for reseller service for level 1, 2 and 3 with regular 24 x 7 Customer support.

Phonekall, a provider of telecom industry for VoIP services, is providing solutions for communication over the internet to the countries all over the globe.

We are leading company in providing VoIP for Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arab countries, India, and most importantly in Philippines. Mobile dialers like itel, GPLEX, VOX MOSIP, hello byte, and ACE are also available for free. We also sale the Reseller services to the client who needs to run an organization for further growth and also for those who wants our services at considerably more less price then the normal rates. These dialers can work on any operating system some of them are Symbian, Windows, Android, Blackberry and IOS.

These mobile VoIP dialers have nice GUI to work on. You can easily make calls and it will also display call history to you with date and time. You can make calls to the previous dialed calls easily. It comes with Call Status Indicator, supported Codecs, separate icon on home screen like you have for other applications, etc. It can work with all standard SIP soft switches, you can Edit/save password, and it works behind the firewall. Thus it can run in any country and even in those countries where these dialers are blocked for the access of VoIP services.

We provide very cheap calls to Philippines at only 9.98 cents only for a minute and for direct contact with our company you can add us on your Skype ID and else you can also mail us your query or suggestions at our

Skype ID: carrier.sales1

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