BW NICE Warren NJ Chapter: Save the Date for a Great Night Out & for a Great Cause

BW NICE Warren Chapter Invites Charitable Individuals to Join Them at Hawk Pointe Golf Club on September 16, 2017

What’s more exhilarating than a night out with good friends? Or dancing the night away with your girlfriends? Or giving money to a great charity?

Now the second annual Red Shoe event is being organized. On Saturday, September 16th, an estimated 150 people will gather at the Hawk Pointe Golf Club in Washington, NJ, to enjoy networking, cocktail hour, open bar, sit down dinner, and dancing. 

That's exactly what happened last year, when BW NICE (Business Women Networking Involving Charity and Education, Inc.) held its second annual Red Shoe™ Harvest Gala "We couldn't have been more proud to give $4,000 to DASACC in Warren County — a not-for-profit agency dedicated to serving victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse — to help them with their important mission."

Diane Simovich, BW NICE Founder

Sponsorship opportunities are still available. If interested, or for more information, visit

BW NICE provides women at all stages of business and personal life with support, education, and resources. They believe there is value in the balance of business networking and charitable outreach. They bring women together to gain meaningful business connections, learn new ways to succeed, and foster an empowering environment. Each BW NICE chapter raises funds and awareness by supporting a local organization in the fight against domestic violence.

Contact: Diane Simovich, 908-894-8219


Source: Marriah Media

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