Bringing Networking, Discussion and Education Together, Education Conference BLC15 Takes Place July 2015

The 16th annual Building Learning Communities (BLC15) conference, hosted by best-selling education author Alan November, will be tackling some of the toughest challenges facing teachers and K-12 students in our ever-changing digital landscape. The conference takes place at the Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston from July 15 - 17, 2015. Pre-conference master classes take place from July 12-14.

The 16th annual Building Learning Communities (BLC15) conference, hosted by best-selling education author Alan November, will be tackling some of the toughest challenges facing teachers and K-12 students in our ever-changing digital landscape. Learning conference strands include: Critical Thinking on the Web, Global Connections, Crafting Vision and Managing Change, and Collaborative Classrooms just to name a few.

Alan has hand picked keynote speakers that are renowned for their ability to impart vivid possibility and practical solutions. Such as Dr. Dylan Wiliam, who will be introducing his five key strategies for improving teacher practice and increasing student achievement found in his new book released in May. Also Keynoting is Digital Learning Coordinator, and blogger for Education Week, Jennie Magiera, whose storytelling style, drawn from events like her Google Lesson Plan Jams, both entertains and inspires.  To see the complete list of keynotes and master class teachers visit

The conference takes place at the recently renovated Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston from July 15 – 17, 2015. Pre-conference master classes take place from July 12-14. Registration is now open, save on the registration fee by starting a team of three or more to save an additional $75 (larger teams enjoy larger savings). To help create teams, the BLC15 provides a downloadable pdf Team Signup Flyer.

High-powered presenters from around the world coupled with after-hours education and social events helps the BLC stands apart from other education conferences. A large part of its success, and the reason why the BLC is now in its 16th year, is due to its ability to foster professional networking and inspire educators to develop powerful strategies to expand the boundaries of learning. BLC´s mission is to stretch thinking and provide strategies that will raise the bar for learning. To learn more about the education conference 2015 schedule, call 781-631-4333, or email. Tweet or Finds tweets at #BLC15