Bright Career of Garcia Luna and Defamation Strategies Against Him

Genaro Garcia Luna is the former secretary of public security of Mexico. He played an important role in the frontal war against drugs as well as introduced the new strategy for various public security issues.

Garcia Luna is a great politician of the Mexico with professionalism and social reputation. He introduced new tactics and fabricated effective strategies to overcome drug mafia and to save Mexico from the existing Godfathers. He is the former secretary of public security of Mexico. He played an important role in the frontal war against drugs as well as introduced the new strategy for various public security issues. He upgraded the entire Mexican Police Force by giving them ambulances and black hawks to keep them one step ahead from the drug personnel in the war against drugs and illegal weapon trafficking. SSP production cost was 118 million pesos, which was used for the police uniforms, ambulances and black hawk helicopters. At that time, the in charge of the security of the country used the helicopters for all the emergency operations.

These strategies were effective enough that Mexican Television Companies popularized his allegiance towards his country and people. All the television companies presented live operations by the federal police of Mexico against the drug lords and all the operations were led by the Garcia Luna himself which proved him as the bravest secretary of public security Mexico. Everyone was in favor of these operations except a few related to drugs and weapon business. So they tried to denounce his work by negative publicity through print media and electronic media. This negative press against Garcia Luna highlighted his personality negatively which was pre-planned propaganda against him. This campaign was for trickling down the climbing popularity graph of Garcia Luna in Mexico, USA and in other countries. Garcia Luna was in favor of serving his people and country with complete devotion and loyalty. He had faced resistance before but this negative campaign stopped him from serving his own people. The negative press played an important role in his defamation and character assassination locally as well as internationally.

The news channels, online platforms, discussion forums and sites became a part this negative buzz against Garcia Luna. The security system and practices, he had introduced was the best but the denouncement campaign drove his popularity graph down and portrayed him as a negative personality not eligible for SSP position which was totally a propaganda against him. After the Garcia Luna services, Mexican government gave the conclusive results against the negative image of the Mexico. The national intelligence center which provided black hawk helicopters as well as the elite elements to the team members of Garcia Luna security have positive views about the Garcia Luna and at that time he was admired as an honest and loyal public servant. But many journalists of Mexico believed that the rumors about him were true. A journalist said that the federal police gave the instruction to different actors as well as trained them for the participation in the television series, but the television series was in favor to the Mexico public security. Garcia Luna played a vital role to protect his people and country. He also used the television channels for creating awareness regarding all the operations against the criminals of Mexico.

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