Brand New Book Released For Women In Need Of Gestational Diabetes Meal Plans On Amazon

Mathea Ford announces the release of her third book on Amazon, entitled "Gestational Diabetes Diet Meal Plan and Recipes: Your Guide to Controlling Blood Sugars and Weight Gain". The book provides a resource for the newly diagnosed mom.

Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ and CEO Mathea Ford, RD/LD announces the launch of her third book "Gestational Diabetes Diet Meal Plan and Recipes: Your Guide To Controlling Blood Sugars and Weight Gain". Her book is available now in print form via Amazon. This book describes best practices for diets and meal planning for gestational diabetes and includes full meal patterns and recipes for the duration of the pregnancy. Mathea spent two years gathering the information and formulating the meal plan recipes for the bulk of this book and she is very grateful to all the friends and family that made the book possible including her fine group of employees at Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC.

Currently the book is priced at a very reasonable rate and is appropriate for those in need of information related to gestational diabetes diet meal plans. When asked about how this book will help newly diagnosed women, Mathea stated, "When women have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and are in need of some assistance in meal planning, the book teaches them how to manage a gestational diabetes diet meal plan with the ultimate goal a healthy pregnancy and a health baby." In addition, Mathea talked about how the new health care laws will make it more likely for women to be diagnosed and in need of help finding their way, stating, "With the changes to the Affordable Health Care Act this is a timely launch as with the new plan year of 2013 we expect the diagnoses of gestational diabetes to increase with in the parameters of the Act." Having gone through a pregnancy with gestational diabetes, Mathea feels her experiences can help new moms manage the tough road ahead and come out with a healthy and enjoyable experience when using a meal plan.

Brought to you by Healthy Diet Menus for You, LLC, Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ specializes in gestational diabetes diets and meal planning. The Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ website provides valuable information for all types of diabetic pregnant patients through an extensive information library of articles and a fully functional blog written by the CEO and Registered Dietitian, Mathea Ford. Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ is committed to bringing the utmost quality and service to it is client base through it's website and toll free phone number. Specializing in this very complicated and unique group of patients, Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ is proud to be a superb resource that can be relied upon by it's clients to meet the demands that our client's desire.

Gestational Diabetic Diet HQ is operated by Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and is operated by the principals Mathea Ford RD/LD MBA and Chief Executive Officer and Donovan Ford, Chief Operations Officer. Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC was launched in January 2011 as the brain child of Mathea Ford who is also currently serving as CEO. Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC provides meal plans for diabetic, gestational diabetic, renal, renal diabetic and cardiac patients.