Borlino Offering High Quality Luxurious Leather Messenger Bags

At Borlino, we offer hand-made Italian men messenger bags with various unique designs and quality. Italian-leather bags, which are known for its superior-quality, full-fills all your demands for bags.

High-quality leather products bring a great appeal to all eyes. Everyone has a penchant for good-quality leather bags, shoes, wallets, belts, etc. One can't just stop looking at the fine finish of a leather product. Although there are bags made from synthetic material too, obviously at low cost, but leather bags' quality is unmatchable. The leather products carry an aesthetic look, both for the eyes and on the skin. It is just the touch of the leather products, which gives the feeling of luxury and comfort. Think about the feeling that one gets after owning such excellent bags and shoes.

At Borlino, we offer a great variety of Italian-leather products, which is known for its quality. The tanneries in Italy use good quality hides to make leather. Products from such leather are famous all over the world. One always looks at leather bags in a retail store with desiring eyes. Our leather bags are not just some bags, but it combines style with functionality. Our wide array of products include leather messenger bags, briefcases, totes and carry-on roll cases, leather duffel bags, leather backpacks and small leather accessories.

We design products with extra-care and emotional intensity; reflecting the passion you carry for leather made products and the unique style. Our leather bags and accessories are designed, by keeping the functionality in mind. These bags allow you to carry and handle your daily requirements in style. The bags and accessories, at our online store, are all handmade in Italy. Each bag portrays a unique style and a sense of beauty.

Our collection of messenger bags includes messenger bags for men as well as women. Designed with utmost care, each bag depicts spacious and comfortable interior and luxurious exterior. Men messenger bags are the better alternative to the traditional briefcases. With casual and unofficial look, these bags function better than the regular briefcases. Each leather messenger bag has an adjustable shoulder strap for carrying your belongings comfortably. You can carry your standard size laptop, books and your iPad with other necessary belongings together. The small zipper pockets can carry small useful accessories.

Under the tab of messenger bags, we offer great variety of men messenger bags with beautiful designs, featuring durability. You can travel anywhere and everywhere with these bags; from your homes to offices to your private meetings to the beach for leisure.

We have our retail outlets at six different places, namely- Neiman Marcus Cherry Creek Denver CO; Neiman Marcus Tysons Galleria McLean, VA; Neiman Marcus Mazza Galleria Washington DC; Neiman Marcus Mazza Short Hills, NJ; and Neiman Marcus White Plains, NY. We ship our products to India as well. We have marked our presence throughout.

We not only believe in selling products and increasing our market, but also believe in social justice and social well-being. We extend our cordial help by participating in various social events and have also partnered 'Love 146'.

For various queries and complaint you may visit and contact us. We believe in customer satisfaction. For knowing about various offers and discounts available, you can subscribe to our newsletters.

To maintain the uniqueness of the product you buy, we produce only a small quantity of its various products. Be it leather messenger bags, totes, accessories or travel bags, one should always carry belongings with style and uniqueness.

About Borlino

333 Perry Street,
Suite 301,
