Blue Refuge Provides New Safety Measures to Protect From Potential On-Site Violence at Dallas Children's Advocacy Center

The partnership aims to strengthen DCAC's facility protection

​Blue Refuge, an organization dedicated to reducing school and workplace violence and providing comprehensive health and safety solutions, has partnered with Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) to provide on-site protection services, communication technology, and response training.

The partnership will introduce an array of tools, technologies, and services to safeguard DCAC staff and the families and children it protects. The joint initiative reflects the Center’s desire for a tailored safety approach at its Far East DCAC.

As the only agency of its kind in Dallas County, DCAC coordinates the investigation and prosecution of the county’s most severe cases of child abuse and provides evidence-based therapy and healing services to help families overcome trauma. Each year, DCAC serves over 7,300 children in the Dallas area; and approximately 250 people, including staff, clients, partners, and volunteers, enter DCAC’s building each day.

“The children we serve have already been traumatized by life events, whether as a victim or a witness of abuse,” said Lynn Davis, president and CEO of DCAC. “The last thing they should be worried about while at the DCAC campus is their safety and security. Our organization is dedicated to providing the safest and most reassuring environment possible for them to begin this journey.”

Beginning in August, Blue Refuge’s integrated alarming and emergency notification technology will be implemented at the Far East DCAC facility. The system will be responsive to buttons on staff badges. When pressed, the buttons send instant alerts of an active threat across the campus and to local law enforcement and administrative personnel. The notifications are tagged with the exact location of the alert-sender within the building. In addition, Blue Refuge will install protective window film to exterior doors and windows and provide crisis response training for counselors, staff, and partners.

Additionally, active threat and active shooter response training will be rolled out to DCAC staff to help them better identify threats, improve reaction times, and implement de-escalation techniques. Blue Refuge’s team of mental health, safety, and technology professionals will serve in an ongoing capacity, providing input on how to prevent and respond to on-site violence as technology and community needs evolve over time.

The partnership recognizes Blue Refuge’s shared passion for DCAC’s mission and its own commitment to long term, collaborative solutions to address America’s systemic problem of violence toward children.

“Blue Refuge and DCAC share a strong sense of responsibility for helping and protecting today’s youth, especially during this time,” said Blue Refuge CEO Marcus Craig. “By taking proactive measures to prevent violence through mental health interventions and proven safety measures, we can protect the most precious members of our society. We are honored to partner with Lynn and the DCAC in their efforts to create a safer campus and provide long-lasting peace of mind to the people they serve.”

Media Contact

Lainey Nakhleh


About Blue Refuge

Blue Refuge is comprised of a team of industry experts focused on providing comprehensive health and safety programs through prevention, protection, and response solutions. The targeted result of our solutions is simple: increased safety and reduced threat of crisis events. We work with schools, non-profits, businesses, and local governments across America to develop customized mental health programs, prevention plans, and protection measures. Our consultative, tailored approach puts people first and creates optimized learning and working environments — enabling long-term peace of mind. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Source: Blue Refuge